What is modern? It’s fun, exciting, creative, energetic! The specially created ISTD syllabus will bring out their creative and imaginative side while they explore correct technique and body alignment.
5 to 7 Year Olds
What is modern? It’s fun, exciting, creative, energetic! The specially created ISTD syllabus will bring out their creative and imaginative side while they explore correct technique and body alignment. Galloping and skipping and burst the balloon and sprinkling magic fairy dust are all part of the younger classes and then we progress to running with action and improvisation. We also start working towards exams and moving up through the graded syllabus.
8 to 11 Year Olds
We now start to work on furthering our skills and ability to dance to lots of different styles. Modern encompasses lots of different music from upbeat pop music, to musical theatre jazz and lyrical. We even start learning how to do jazz pirouettes and other interesting techniques!
Over 12 Year Olds
These classes are more technique focused and require dedication to detail. The jazz technique with kicks, leaps and turns is the highlight of the classes. At this level maturity is needed to successfully perform to different dance styles and work towards more performance facially.
"Leanne Edwards is a great dance and theatre arts school. My daughters really enjoy all of their lessons, and seem to be making excellent progress. Friendly, professional and really approachable teachers."
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